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Some PPC mistakes that can cost you money

Along with generating a search engine optimized (SEO) website and online profile that is capable to get high ranking in the Search Engine Results Page (SERP), Pay Per Click (PPC) is a great way to attract online traffic through Google AdWords, Yahoo Search marketing and similarly many others. Where high SERP ranking facilitates in getting […]...
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Things you do not know about SEO

Search Engine ranking’s decide whether the website gets visible to an online user instantly or not. Higher Search Engine Result Page (SERP) rankings mean that a website will come in the first (or initial coupe of pages). Getting highlighted visibility will result in greater online traffic which, if properly channeled, will manifest itself as greater […]...
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Can Internal links increase Search Engine Rankings?

Websites play an integral part in promotion of businesses and in raising awareness among potential clients. Moreover, they are, in today’s information technology based world, the foremost source of initial information a client is likely to explore. To achieve this goal, it is vitally important to rank considerably higher in Search Engine Results Page (SERP). […]...
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Website SEO Optimization Mistakes Which Are Costing You Cash

The sole purpose of online and / or digital marketing is to reach maximum number of potential clients in as less of a time as possible with as much as possible concise and targeted information with the aim of converting majority of the online traffic into paying customers. Particularly websites, including social media presence of […]...