Google ads, YouTube & Facebook General Ad Size Guideline
GDN Ad Sizes: Common Laptop & Computer Dimensions: 250 x 250 200 x 200 468 x 60 728 x 90 300 x 250 336 x 280 120 x 600 160 x 600 300 x 600 970 x 90 Common Mobile Dimensions: 320 x 50 200 x 200 250 x 250 300 x 250 320 x […]...
Tips to improve your rankings with Video SEO
Video marketing has become a standard and regular online marketing procedure. Except for several users, nearly all companies use YouTube to communicate and market to their customers. That is why it is necessary to make the video engaging and straightforward in the sight of the audience because it could have a higher influence on the […]...
Facebook App Install Ads Sizes & Formats Guide
1- Carousel Ad Formats Guide Recommended image size: 1080 × 1080 pixels Recommended image ratio: 1:1 To maximize ad delivery, use an image that contains little or no overlaid text. 2- Single Image Ad Formats Guide 1,200 x 628 pixels Image ratio: 1.91:1 To maximize ad delivery, use an image that contains little or no overlaid text. 3- […]...

Google Universal App Install Campaign Graphics Sizes
Google App Install Campaign Dimentions Demonstration shown below, Your ads previews are generated using your 4 text ideas which you will provide, uploaded assets, and also the content from your Google Play and Apple App Store listings. What You Need to Create App Install Campaign on Google: You need 4 independent lines of […]...
AdWords Metrics you should optimize for better ROI
Digital Marketing has emerged as a far better ROI generation option as compared to the conventional marketing techniques. Web pages, social media and electronic media comprise the core of Digital Marketing. A recent approach introduced by Google that provides a cost effective yet quick method to influence a larger online audience based on keyword searches […]...
Top 4 Mobile SEO Optimization Tips
Let’s take a look at some of the SEO techniques that will remain dominant in 2018 and which require particular attention. Image and Voice Search. With refined and updated search engine algorithms aiming to improve the coherence of text based searches; a gradual shift is being observed in favour of image & voice based […]...
Top Local Search Insights
We are living in an internet oriented and a globally connected world. Everything is connected to every other thing. Being at the right place at the right time is though important but what’s ultimately required is that one should remain at the top of their field to generate maximum online traffic. Traffic translates to greater […]...
Measure the impact of Digital marketing on in-store sales
The world is rapidly advancing towards an all-out internet oriented customer support system and with more than a billion smartphones out there; bulk of the search is being done on mobile devices now. Far more than desktop based searches. Customers research and form their opinion on the go and more often then naught they always […]...